

Listen. Once…

Gather around a virtual fire and create the folktales and myths of an imaginary people: short, strange stories whose original cultural context has been lost to time. Create a living body of stories and discover the culture that tells them, how the stories came to be preserved and passed down, and why they hold those stories dear. 

Canon is a game about myths and oral culture, the relationship between a culture and the stories it tells, how story traditions develop, and stories that give rise to endless and irreconcilable interpretations.

You might enjoy this game if you like seeing a setting and culture emerge collaboratively as you add details one by one, you really like mythology and folklore, or if you’ve ever wanted to sit around a campfire telling ancient stories that you’ve never heard before.

This beta ‘Decameron’ version of Canon was put together in response to the current need for social distancing, with rules and descriptions adapted so that it can run over video chat. Gathering to tell stories during difficult and dangerous times is an ancient tradition in its own right, and so we hope this version of Canon can be a good way to connect with people in your life, pass time together, and hopefully bring a little fun and wonder into this difficult moment.


The photo "Campfire" by Sam Howzit is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.